Everyone screams we need to find a solution to the urban question. Well the answer is time. We should build things now with of course respect to the earth, people and the future, but we shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes. Not everything can be a masterpiece. (Also people seem to have a habit to learn more from their mistakes). The best things will stand the test of time and will become essential parts of our future cities. This does not mean city building should be a free for all. We should keep on being innovative and strive for perfection. But we should also face up that there is no such thing as perfection. So no matter how much research we do we will never reach a single answer. Time is the unknown denominator and will be the judge of our achievements.
I as a designer would love to crack the puzzle as well. It makes me humble and respectful towards this big thing we call the city. It will still stand strong even after we are gone and only time will tell if our plans were good enough to live on.